What major items are excluded under this product?
Death Benefit
- Suicide of the Life Assured, whether sane or insane, within 2 (two) years from the Issue Date as stated on the Policy Schedule, or Reinstatement Date whichever is the later
- Death of the Life Assured as a result of committing or attempting to commit a criminal offence.
Total Permanent Disablement (TPD)
- A suicide, attempted suicide, or self-inflicted injury, whilst sane or insane;
- Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or AIDS related disease;
- War (whether declared or not), invasion, act of enemy, civil war, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion, riot, strike, popular rising against the government, and terrorism;
- While committing a felony or while being arrested, under arrest, or escaping arrest;
- While boarding, alighting from or travelling as a passenger in an aircraft which has no license for carrying passengers and does not operate as a commercial aircraft;
- While driving or performing duties as a member of any aircraft;
- While performing duty as military, police or volunteers and participates in war or crime suppression;
- Any known defective physical illness or injury before starting the Insurance Contract but was not notified to the Company;
- Injury arising while under the influence of drugs of harmful nature, or alcohol above the legal limit deemed by the Law.
Death or Total Permanent Disablement (TPD) due to Accident
- The Life Assured committing any breach of law;
- The Life Assured being under the influence of alcohol or drugs other than in accordance with the direction of a registered medical practitioner;
- The Life Assured’s self-inflicted injuries whether sane or insane;
- The Life Assured taking part in any naval, military or air force operation during peace time;
- The Life Assured participating or training for any dangerous or hazardous sport or competition or riding or driving in any form of race of competition;
- The Life Assured’s suicide whether sane or insane;
- The Life Assured participating in any aviation, gliding, or any form of aerial flight other than as a fare paying passenger of a recognized airline on a regular route and on a scheduled timetable;
- Death of the Life Assured occurs as a result of war, invasion, civil war, rebellion or riot.