It's equally important to safeguard your profit against losses resulting from damage to your physical assets.
Forte's Loss of Profit Insurance is an added layer of protection to help you recover any financial losses in case you are unable to trade normally in the event of serious incidents such as fire or floods.
Find out more - call (+855) 023 885 077 today.
Our Loss of Profits Insurance covers items you need to pay during your recovery until you get to the pre-incident period such as ongoing rent, employee salaries and other overheads, as well as additional costs like hiring temporary staff and equipment to keep your business running. Depending on the type and nature of your business, you may choose to insure either one of the below plus additional coverage of the Auditor’s fee.
Gross profit
Gross revenue
Gross rental
Net takings
Increased cost of working
The coverage period will depend on the severity of the damage to your physical assets - This could take months or years and our team will work with you to determine a suitable 'Indemnity Period'