Technical superiority
Our experienced team handles all types of claims, ensuring you receive fast, friendly, and tailored claims service.
Panel garages
Our panel garages are there to provide services like quality repairs and offer numerous support in case of any accidents.
Panel hospitals
Our panel hospitals are quick, and reliable at ensuring you receive quality medical treatment and assistance.
Exceptional claims services
Our team is committed to making your life easier by handling all claim settlements efficiently, fairly and quickly.
Customer-focused service
Our customer-first approach ensure claims are managed an a personal, flexible and fair manner, wherever you are.
Compliments, comments and complaints
Share your feedback with our team so we can make your experience better.
Independent international loss adjusters
Our experienced professionals will survey your loss thoroughly and assist you to ensure an efficient, speedy settlement in case fire or construction claims.
SOS services
You're in good hands with our international SOS services, which connects you with the world’s leading provider of global medical assistance. Get immediate medical support even when you’re overseas, including 24-hour medical service.
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Automobile Insurance
Health and Medical
FigTree Blue Medi+ Insurance
Employee Benefits
Financial Protection
Professional Indemnity Insurance Public and Product Liability Insurance Money Insurance
Logistics and Transport
Click on a category to see the forms
Get a claim form
Individuals & Families
Health and Medical
Employee Benefits
Financial Protection
Logistics and Transport
Need additional help?
Still not sure what you need? Give us a call. We’re happy to help, even if you’re not a customer. Call us at the following numbers and we’ll chat, or get back to you as soon as we can.

  • Accident and Health Insurance: (+855) 89 666 797
  • Auto Insurance: (+855) 78 336 999
  • Property Insurance: (+855) 95 555 328