Dishonest acts in the workplace for personal gain is a risk all businesses face, which could result in loss of cash, merchandise, or other assets. Though most companies take sufficient measures to ensure that they employ the best talent, vetting mistakes can and do happen, and employees that you entrust could in the end cause your company harm through embezzlement, and fraud.
With the growth and advancement of technology in electronic data usage and asset transfer mechanisms, companies dealing with cash, merchandise, or other assets on a daily basis are becoming more exposed to significant financial losses from the fraudulent or dishonest acts committed by their own employees.
Protect your company against these various exposures and losses with Forte's Fidelity Guarantee Insurance, which offers flexible coverage based on your needs - from individual cover, to position-based cover.
Find out more - call (+855) 023 885 077 today.
Fidelity Guarantee Insurance covers you against losses due to actions committed by your employees for improper personal financial gain, payable up to the limit amount of guaranteed for each employee covered. It allows you to tailor your coverage, from:
Individual cover
Collective policy cover
Floating cover
Position-based cover