Worldwide protection for you and your employees.

EmCare is a comprehensive corporate insurance package that provides a customizable and flexible healthcare plan for companies with a minimum of 3 employees. Designed specifically with Cambodians and expats in mind, EmCare provides an exceptional set of benefits with protection from both accident and illness. 

Find out more - call (+855) 023 885 077 today.

Key Benefits

Forte’s EmCare offers comprehensive coverage for your employees including hospitalization, surgery, in and out-patient treatment as well as optional benefits in case of accidents and illnesses.

24/7 hotline service in multiple languages
Real-time online updates to check on claim status
Access to a trusted panel of global hospitals and clinics, 24 hours a day
Can be extended to cover family (spouse and children of the employee)
Optional benefits include maternity, dental care, permanent disability, and death
Direct billing (cashless transactions between the insured and panel of hospitals & clinics)
Personalized membership card, quarterly claims report, educational services, and product training

We love to help.

Speak to one of our experts to find out more. Give us a call at 023 885 077, or request a call back and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
How to claim

EmCare Claims are processed by South Asia Services Co. Ltd. Please review the claim procedure documentation.

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